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How Do I Identify The Right New International Markets For My Business?

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

If there is a common theme to what I am teaching, writing or being asked about recently, it is: How do I identify the right new international markets for my business?

Essentially, it all boils down to this:

🔹 Precise Targeting: Study your product's fit in different regions. Seek demand for your offerings in untapped corners of the world. Be VERY intentional about your growth.

🔹 Strategic Uniqueness: Stand out by analyzing competition. Identify gaps you can fill or innovate your way into.

🔹 Data-Driven Insights: Base your decision on data. Analyze market trends, economic indicators, and consumer behavior to make informed choices. Craft a detailed buyer persona for each new market that you enter.

🔹 Global Competitor Scan: Study competitors who have already expanded internationally. Learn from their successes and missteps.

🔹 Digital Landscape Study: Leverage online platforms and social media to gauge international interest. Adapt your strategy based on digital footprints.

🔹 Cultivate Relationships: Build connections with local experts and partners. Their insights can prove invaluable in navigating foreign business terrain.

🔹 Risk Assessment: Evaluate potential risks and challenges – cultural, legal, logistical. Formulate risk mitigation strategies.



"You’ve Achieved Success In Your Domestic Market And Believe That There Are Tremendous Opportunities Internationally. How do you identify those, create a strategy and prepare your company to scale internationally?


That’s where we come in.”

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